Cover design by Glen Burris
In January 1995 Johns Hopkins University Press published a companion (print) volume to Hypertext -- Hyper/Text/Theory, which contains substantial essays by ten authors on the relation of this technology to individual theorists, including Michel de Certeau, Gerard Genette, Jurgen Habermas, Donna J. Haraway, Ilya Prigogine, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and to issues in theory, such as linearity, narrativity, and philosophical argument. Here is the table of contents:
Part I: Introduction
- What's a Critic to Do? Critical Theory in the Age of Hypertext. George P. Landow
Part II: Nonlinearity
Nonlinearity and Literary Theory. Espen J. Aarseth
Wittgenstein, Genette, and the Reader's Narrative in Hypertext. Gunnar Liestol
The Screener's Maps: Michel de Certeau's "Wandersmänner" and Paul Auster's Hypertextual Detective. Mireille Rosello
"How Do I Stop This Thing?"Closure and Indeterminacy in Interactive Narratives. J. Yellowlees Douglas
Conclusions. Terrence Harpold
Part III: The Politics of Hypertext
The Political Computer: Hypertext, Democracy, and Habermas.Charles Ess
Physics and Hypertext: Liberation and Complicity in Art and Pedagogy. Martin E. Rosenberg
Rhizome and Resistance: Hypertext and the Dreams of a New Culture.Stuart Moulthrop
Part IV: The New Writing
Socrates in the Labyrinth. David Kolb
The Miranda Warnings: An Experiment in Hyperrhetoric. Gregory L. Ulmer
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