Professor Landow (office: 209 Horace-Mann); office hours: 3.00-4:00, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; Class meets 1:00-1:50 PM, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, with a lab in 265 CIT Wednesdays or a screening in the Multimedia Cluster 7:00-10:00 PM
(1) digital vs. analogue media; (2) electronic and print reading: William Mitchell, City of Bits: Space, Place, and the Infobahn. Explore World Wide Web version of Mitchell. Recommended additional reading: Nicholas Negroponte, Being Digital Lab/screening: none.
The Neuomancer Trilogy; Michael Heim, "The Erotic Ontology of Cyberspace," in Benedikt; Andrew Ross, "Cyberpunk in Boystown," in Strange Weather. Recommended additional reading: nonfiction section in McCaffrey, Storming the Reality Studio. Lab/screening: (1) introduction to WWW and Alt-X; (2) MOOs.
Reading: Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulation. Fiks, The Simulation Web; Baudrillard In Cyberspace. [Guest speaker: Professor Todd Winkler, Music Dept., "Interactive Music Systems and the New Controllers," February 14] Lab/screening: to be announced
Cyberspace. ed. Michael Benedikt, especially essays by the editor, Stone, Novak, Bricken. Lab/screening: to be announced.
Friday, 30 February, Midterm assignment due.(1) Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash; (2) Mark Poster, Postmodern Virtualities; (3) Final Amputations: Pathogenic Ontology in Cybersapce. Lab/screening: selections from Bubble Gym Crisis (anime).
Reading: Haraway, Simians, Cyborgs, and Women; Anne Pycha, Bodily Writing. (Storyspace Web). Note: Pong 1996, the electronic arts festival, takes place from Wednesday evening through Saturday. The class will attend Nancy Kaplans's 8 PM lecture-reading in the Piano lounge. In addition, Wednesday class-meeting is canceled, and instead members of the course will attend Stuart Moulthrop's hyperfiction reading 8 PM Thursday (also in the Piano Lounge).
Greco, The Cyborg Web. Lab/screening: Max Headroom.
Max Headroom (commercial website), Bladerunner (Stanford U. website) , and Bubble Gum Crisis. Lab/screening: Bladerunner.
March 17-20 (long weekend)
Landow, Hypertext.
Shelley Jackson, Patchwork Girl Mini-assignment: one or more html pages of commentary on Patchwork Girl.
(1) Rudy Rucker, Live Robots, (2) Freak Show. Supplemental Reading: (1) David Porush, The Soft machine, (2) Kathy Acker, Empire of the Senseless Lab/screening: Freak Show.
(1) Exploring David Rodowick's Digital Culture website at Rochester. for material for your final projects; (2) Writing at the Edge, Hypertext as Collage, and other Webs; (3) Amerika/Meyer, GRAMMATRON; (4) SDtuart Moulthrop, Tangled Web: Hypertext and Its HistoriesSupplemental Reading: (1) McLuhan, Gutenberg Galaxy; (2) Crary, Incorporations; (3) Kroker & Weinstein, Data Trash: The Theory of the Virtual Class; (4) Moulthrop, Hegirascope
[Reading period April 26-May 7]
Baudrillard. Jean. Simulacra and Simulation. U of Michigan Press.
Blade Runner
Bubble Gum Crisis
Cyberspace. ed. Michael Benedikt. MIT Press.
William Gibson, Count Zero. Ace Books.
_____. Mona Lisa Overdrive. Ace Books.
_____. Neuromancer. Ace Books.
Diane Greco, The Cyborg Web
Donna Haraway, Simians, Cyborgs, and Women. Routledge.
Shelley Jackson, Patchwork Girl
George P. Landow, Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1992)
Max Headroom
William J. Mitchell, City of Bits, MIT Press
Rudy Rucker, Live Robots Avon.
Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash. Bantam/Spectra.
Storming the Reality Studio edited by Larry McCaffery PS 374.s35 s76 1991
Terminal Identity by Scott Bukatman PS 374.s35 B84 1993
Empire of the Senseless by Kathy Acker PS 3551.C44 E47 1988
The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester PS 3552. U6856 N6
Gutenberg Galaxy by Marshall McLuhan Z 116 .M15
The Soft Machine by David Porush PS 374.C9 P67
Electronic Disturbance by Critical Arts Ensemble HM 221 .E43x 1994
Virtual Community, By Howard Rheingold TK 5105.5 .R44 1993
Incorporations edited by Jonathan Crary CB 478 .I53x 1992
Data Trash: the Theory of the Virtual Class by Arthur Kroker and Michael Weinstein