Commentary on Gibson's Neuromancer trilogy
Members of English 65, The Cyborg Self, Brown University, Fall 2006
Count Zero
Mona Lisa Overdrive
Members of English 65, The Cyborg Self, Brown University, Spring 2005
Members of English 111, Cyberspace, VR, and Critical Theory, Brown University, Spring 1998
- Katherine Sibley Angus, New Future, Same Questions
- Zachariah Boyle, Gibson's Neuromancer trilogy in the Context of Sci-Fi and Fantasy
- Jesse Chan-Norris, Cyberspace and the Sprawl
- Joshua Conterio, Neuromancer Afterlife
- Sharif Corinaldi, Intelligence and Comprehension: Response to Neuromancer
- Steve Cook, Gibson's Sprawl -- the Dominant Element in Neuromancer and Count Zero
- John Crews, Apocalypse and Other matters: Questions for Questions
- Erica Dillon, Ethnic Characterizations in Neuromancer and Count Zero
- Keith Feldman, The Place of Religion in Neuromancer [removed at author's request]
- Jacob George, Evolution or Revolution?
- Brian D. Hardy, Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Electronica, and the Vampire
- Wayne Huang, Telescoping Time and Space
- Matthew Hutson, Science Fiction and Interpolation
- Ian Jones, Multinational Angst
- Laura Lee, Gibson's Invisible City
- Kelly Maudslien, Eros and the Matrix
- Marisa Murgatroyd, Layers of the Physical
- Caleb Neelon, Silly, Silly, Silly
- Michelle Neuringer, The Self in Cyberspace
- Dan Parke, The Shape of Things to Come
- William Peña, Alternative Consciousnesses: A "Case" Study
- Michael Pellauer, Matrices, Webs, and the Neutron Bomb
- Matt Pillsbury, The Samples of Neuromancer
- Noah (the Dharma Bum) Raizman, Neuromancer and the Fetishization of Information
- Elizabeth Rodwell, Flip! Diction Enhanced Experience
- Dan Rosen, Fun with Meat!
- Glen Sanford, Drug Use in Neuromancer
- Lora Schwartz, Landscapes of the Virtual and Real in Neuromancer
- Dan Stein, Cyborg Cynicism?
- Izel Sulam, Beyond CYB, Beyond ORG, Beyond NEURO, Beyond EVOLVERA
- Francesca Wodtke, Human Robots
- Ruiyan Xu, The Space in Between
Gibson, William Count Zero. New York: Ace Books, 1986.
Gibson, William Mona Lisa Overdrive. New York: Ace Books, 1988.
Gibson, William Neuromancer. New York: Ace Books, 1984.
Last updated 30 December 2006; Thanks to Adrian Midgley of Exeter for notifying us about a broken link