Somebody else said something. They were talking about the party and how long it had been since they had been to a really good party. I was barely able to follow it. I saw that both of them too were having trouble following. Who was this android couple going through the courting gestures?

"I was thinking about copying forms. About reading books and using them as tutor texts to further copy or transcribe my experience which can really no longer be my experience since I'm copying. This whole notion of originality would be lost in the baby formula."

"With the bathwater. Are you hip to drifting?"

"Yeah, of course. I was one of the original drifters. I learned how to do that when I was younger. I was sure that the only way toward innovative language development was through experience. I had been trained to think like that in the military. My military instructors were obsessed with Comparative Lit. They told me that The Liberal Armies were my friends. Of course, I had no idea how much the arts and sciences would permeate my life..."

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