Exemplary Web Design
A Sampling of Websites or Web Projects of Interest to Students in English 111

Design Firms
- Dynamic Diagrams (Providence's own firm with connections to Brown and RISD; many key projects.)
- Plumb Design (based in New York City; over-the-top cyberpunk homepage)
- Meta Design Europe's largest design firm with offices in San Franciso and London
- Macktez.Com (New York City -- absolute minimalist design)
Projects on this Website
- Shakeeb Alireza , Velvet, Inc.
- Rodnet Cañete, Sidestepping
- Michelle J. Neuringer, I Write, Therefore I Program
- Michelle J. Neuringer, And They Shall Make Me a Mikdash
- Izel Sulam's What's the Connection?
- Izel Sulam, Simulacra, Fuzzy Logic, the Author Function, René Magritte, Hajime Sorajama, Information Theory and American Football
- David M. Yun,
Subway Story: An Exploration of Me, Myself, and I.
On-Line Magazines and the Like