c y b o r g   m a n i f e s t o   2 . 0   ::   f i g u r a t i o n s
::   c y b o r g

The notion of Donna Haraway's cyborg, the hybrid human-machine, which she theorises in her article "A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s" contains a highly politicised angle and is put up as a metaphor which is strongly situated historically in an era where 'we are moving from an industrial to a polymorphous information society". This societal change urges us, says Haraway, to reject any totalising technophobic stance because this would render any taking of responsibility of the power relations embedded in the integrations of the new technologies and society impossible.

The cyborg is then not only a figuration but also already lived in multiple embodied experiences. Simultaneously, the cyborg metaphor can help us to get rid of the many binaries complacent in traditional notions of the self. It seeks to destroy gender binaries as it seeks to blur the boundaries between human and machine, and strongly refuses any idea of original center or unity. It is committed to partiality and is "needy for connections". Hypertext then, may provide a partial answer to this need. We need to be aware though of the cyborg's seductions.

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