The popular word for transport in Cyberspace is called network.
At least four meanings of network appear in descriptions of actual hypertext systems and plans for future ones. First, individual print works when transferred to hypertext take the form of blocks, nodes, or lexias joined by a network of links and paths. Network , in this sense, refers to one kind of electronically linked electronic equivalent to a printed text. Second, any gathering of lexias, whether assembled by the original author of the verbal text, or by some else gathering together texts created by multiple authors, also takes the form of a network; thus document sets, whose shifting borders make them in some senses the hypertextual equivalent of a work, are called in some present systems a web.
Third, the term network also refers to an electronic system involving additional computers as well as cables or wire connections that permit individual machines, workstations, and reading-and-writing-sites to share information. These networks can take the form of contemporary Local Area Networks (LANs), such as Ethernet, that join sets of machines within an institution or a part of one, such as a department or administrative unit. The fourth meaning of network in relation to hypertext comes close to matching the use of the term in critical theory. Network in this fullest sense refers to the entirety of all those terms for which there is no term and for which other terms stand until something better comes along, or until one of them gathers fuller meanings and fuller acceptance to itself: 'literature,' 'infoworld,' 'docuverse,' in fact, 'all writing' in the alphanumeric as well as Derridean senses. To gain access to information, in other words, will require access to some portion of the network. To publish in a hypertextual world requires gaining access, however limited, to the network.
Depending on how fast your modem runs, the time a peripatetic takes to get from one place to another differs. In Cyberspace, there is no such thing as 'enjoying the scenery' because speed is all that matters.
Equipped with an Internet connection, a peripatetic hops on to the network and from there, chooses the places that he or she wishes to visit.
On the World Wide Web, the ticket for travelling is multilinearity. Once grasping the ticket in your hand, there is perpetually no limitations as to where you wish to discover. In fact, multilinearity often lands a peripatetic in a surprising location that was unplanned. As explained in the previous chapter, there is the facilitation of tracing back the path that one has taken, often referred to as the 'breadcrumb' method.
In Cyberspace, everyone is almost a 'free-rider'. As the old saying goes, 'it does not matter how you get there, but the fact that you do get there'. In Cyberspace and hypertext readings, everyone gets someplace. And it does not even matter whether you arrive in a limousine or by foot!
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