Battle (1)

Jomo Fray '10, English 65, The Cyborg Self, Brown University (Fall 2006)

It is a crisp morning in July; you troops are behind you in lines. You are ready to undergo your newest campaign, the country of Lei. Your troops number 200,000. The emperor has sent you, his master tactician, to conquer all surroundings lands. Your objective is to do so, with the least amount of casualties as possible. You must start in Po and make your way across to Le if you wish to conquer the domain. Le is a strong opponent and should not be thought of lightly. The Le nation has wisely brought their master tacticians as well. You must use all the strategies of war you have learned to have a successful campaign. As you wait to give the call to move out, you close your eyes and the wise words of Sun Tzu ( ring in your head:

"In sum, the method of employing the military-
Taking a state whole is superior.
Destroying it is inferior to this.
Taking an army whole is superior.
Destroying it is inferior to this.

Taking a battalion whole is superior.
Destroying it is inferior to this.

Taking a company whole is superior.
Destroying it is inferior to this.

Taking a squad whole is superior.
Destroying it is inferior to this.

Therefore, one hundred victories in one hundred battles
is not the most skillful.
Subduing the other's military without battle
is the most skillful.

You open your eyes empowered by the great sage commander's words. You shout and your men are off.

>>You march to your first encampment deep in the Bangle highlands.>>

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Last modified 31 December 2006