In 1960, Dr. Nathan Cline and Manfred Clynes explored man's ability to redesign his own homeostatic controls to fit a new environment of his choice. The cooperation of man with his self-designed homeostatic controls in a somewhat symbiotic relationship spawned the cyborg. This concept meant for man to optimize internal regulation to suit the environment. The result of this process resulted in stagnancy.Man can not self-design homeostatic controls. The reason for this stems from lack of knowledge. Part of this lack of knowledge comes in the role of understanding human emotion. Scientists have clues but are still not sure how creativity is produced and why it stops. The question later turns into how humans become creative in space. The solution turns into a branch of knowledge that centers around satisfaction. Without an understanding of satisfaction, living in space will never be attained. Within each emotion and sensation are sublevels of emotion and sensation. Scratching an itch is an entire different feeling from urinating. Exhilaration, boredom and anxiety are common aspects of an astronaut's emotional experience as he rides the space shuttle. This subject, what many scientists have been studying ever since Clynes and Cline coined the term cyborg in the 1960's, Sentics. Sentics means emotional communication. Sentics has become a focal point of study because of the baffling ambiguity around it. When Clynes and Kline came up with the term cyborg, NASA went on a study to find applications for space travel as well as other usages. Around the same time, popular literature and fiction took off with the term. In the 1960's comic books hit a golden age bringing the cyborg to a dehumanizing level reaching a peak in the 1980's with the Terminator. Earlier than even the 60's, Japan was involved in the Artificial Liver. This was back in the 1950's. Along with this term came metaphorical cyborgs such as the social cyborg as well as the military cyborg. African slaves showed cyborgish behavior in part to the labor practices. As the years progress, the cyborg started applying to both the field of medicine and engineering.
Last modified 30 December 2006