Below is a transcript of an interview with Stan's mother, Ann-Mari Cook, taken by an Indiana UI reader (C0l0sSu5) pretending to work for a more 'acceptable' establishment:
Good evening, ma'am. First off, thank you for having us.
Oh no problem! Anything to clear this whole mess up!
It's nothing to be ashamed of.
I guess not. But for a while it was pretty bad. People contacting me-
We understand-
-asking the most personal questions-
We'll be careful, ma'am, we promise.
...Thank you. I'm sorry, I'm still a little shaken up by the whole mess.
It's quite alright, it's a lot to take in... so our first question is: Given the bloody and grotesque nature of your son's death, do you think this was a murder or a suicide?
Oh God! (weeps)
Alright, admittedly, that was a little quick, we'll start with something easier. Are you alright?
(continues to sob)
I'm sorry. Tell us about Stan.
(recovering) Stan. Oh Stan... let's see, his father was enlisted and later killed in the The Necessary War very shortly after Stan was conceived, about 20 years ago. So he grew up with only me in the house.
I see...
So I did my best, you know, to raise him right. Teach him right from wrong. But with only my money and the... helpful government compensation, there wasn't a whole lot I could give my Stan. Now Anderson is a great place to raise a child, the people are so friendly! We have everything we absolutely need right here in town... But since we're a right town like anywhere else, there are limits as to what we can do all the time. Most of the big things happen in Indy, and we can't always make our way out there. So here in the house, we did what most other people here enjoy doing, which is MindFeed.
You two were largely into MindFeed?
Oh yeah! I had so much trouble getting him off of it when he was little! And I'm still on it whenever I can be. I'm currently really into The Poor Keep On Crying, a marvelous daytime drama from Argentina. I really wonder if Consuela will find the father of her baby and, once found, will have her brother the drunken bus driver-
Ms. Cook?
Oh, excuse me! What were we talking about again?
Stan. He loved MindFeed.
Oh, right! So him and I would often sit and jack in together, sometimes splitting the MindFeed data so we could watch the same thing. Then he got older, and started growing his own tastes in Feeds...
What did he like to watch?
Well, after he got tired of my soaps, he really enjoyed action shows. Detective stories. Usually the ones where the heroes would do something wrong to make things right. Sort of like Balboa Search and Rescue or Government's Best Crypto-agents. I could see why, too! There was this one episode where a young heartthrob was in jail for breaking into a criminal's databases, but the Government didn't know they were criminals, see, and-
Ms. Cook?
Yes? I'm sorry, where was I?
Stan liked detective shows.
Oh, right! I'm sorry. But he didn't like NapSpace so much. No. He said it gave him headaches. I told him he needed it to have his MindFeed, since NapSpace keeps it free, but he still complained. As an alternative to MindFeed, I think he started using the InfoNet.
The InfoNet?
Yes. Dreaded tool, really. And you have to use your hands! Why actively search for exclusively lower-quality material? MindFeed is really the best for quality and effort efficiency. We really are so lucky to have MindFeed. We really are so lucky to have MindFeed. MindFeed is really the best for quality and effort-
Ms. Cook?
Excuse me?
So the InfoNet...
Oh, right! After a while he stopped MindFeeding. I rarely saw him on it anymore, and his friends said he never knew what was on their shows. His Facebook and mySpace stopped getting messages (I checked when I wasn't watching my shows). And his words...
Yes, he used all sorts of new words. Words I'd never heard before, that he heard from a guy named Silar, or something. He kept talking about making Marks, or how MindFeed was keeping us doshile. Or something.
Very. I blame the InfoNet
For the words?
For all of this. All this mess, all this badness in today's kids. You know what I think, Mr...?
Um... Rutherford.
Thank you. You know what I think, Mr. Rutherford? This whole mess was caused by this Silar character and that damned InfoNet! After Stan got off MindFeed, he...
Well, he just started losing it. If he could only have stayed... normal, none of this would have happened. But those damned InfoNet people... just filling his head with crazy ideas. Mr. Rutherford, I think I'm ready. In regards to your first question: I think it was a murder.
A murder?
Yes, a murder! Some damn InfoNet predator lured him out into the Rehab Center and savagely murdered him! My poor Stan...
It truly is tragic, Ms. Cook.
Oh, damn them all! (weeps) Mr. Rathurfard, I'm sorry, but please... if you'll let me get back to my shows. It's been a lot to deal with.
Certainly. Thank you for your time.
Thank you.