I dreaminged again today. I lost count but I would gess it's my tenth or eleventh. I got my final notice from MindFeed and while I'm still worried about what to do with all that time I will just have to figure something out because I like this alot.
The funny thing about dreaming is that, unlike NapSpace, you think it's real. When I NapSpaced about things like trees, ocean, and animals, I knew they were just faking it. Back when I did NapSpace, I didn't think that there were even any trees around for real.
But my dreaming yesterday... I saw trees. Really really big trees with fruit all over them and animals. And... it was real!
I climed the trees! I ate a real apple (it was squishy!). And when I fell from the tree I landed on a great big Burd who flew, just like the jets do!
Since I started Dreaming, I can't chat with my friends the way I used to. I don't care so much anymore about who died last in Fear Factoid, which is what we like to talk about.
I hate this town. There's nothing to do here, really, except MindFeed, and I just don't want to give up Dreaming quite yet. And I want to have a real apple, to see if they really squish like I dreaminged they did.
Since I'm getting off MindFeed, XyLORN mentioned that he might be able to get me something to do. It's the opposite or writing (reading) and he says there are good stories that are written down, by people just like me!
One last thing: at the end of my dreaming, there was a man who had two faces: one on his head like normal and one in his hands. Sometimes he'd take the one in his hands and put it on top of his real face, and he looked completely different.
XyLORN told me it reminded him of something called a MASK. I wanted one.