So I tried to write my first Mask today. It was fun. I learned more on how to write from XyLORN, and the stories he sent me. He sent me some e-books, which I'd never seen before.

B-o-o-k doesn't stand for anything, but apparently they were pretty popular before MindFeed. They tell stories, like MindFeed, but make you think about what is inside instead of just showing it to you. XyLORN tells me they used to be something you could hold, like a Recapsulation box, and were made from trees. Maybe that's where they all went? Or maybe they are somewhere else.

But they were good. I try to imitate the way they are written. Maybe that way I can be a better writer and make better masks. My favorite book so far of all of them he gave me is To Kill A Mockingbird. It took a long time but I finished it. I want more. He keeps talking about one called 1984, but says it's too hard for me right now.

They make me tired because I have to work so hard to get the stories, but the stories are more fun than MindFeed. And if I get tired, I can always dream when I sleep (I was wrong when I called it dreaming every time! Ha ha!)

I tried to write the best Mask I could. Maybe one day I could try to write the worst Mask ever. Ha ha, that could be funny!