![]() Who chose the lexia? Who chose the structure of the StorySpace web? Who put in links, and where, and why? Who developed the software and with what purposes? Who gets to use the software and which pleasures and desires are connected to this use? On what piece of technology is the software used, and which histories and what broader cultural practices and discourses preceed and surround that particular technology? One part of the answer lies in my own particular geographically gendered, classed and raced cultural location that is thus necessarily entangled with this project. Another one would be to look at the locatedness of other 'co-constructors' of this project as well, and their relation to society. The feminist concept of situatedness then helps us further on this issue, seeking to obtain some sense of feminist objective truth as well as acknowledging that my knowledge practices are subjective. In order to take responsibility and to avoid the critique of universalism, I will need to at least position myself (as being white, Western European, female, academic) and my aims. (Photograph by Natascha Unkart) |