For Billie Jemder, the question of her sexuality is one that she can not escape. She has been seen with both prominent men and women in the community at a wide range of social events. She does, however. seem to keep her homosexual tendencies somewhat underground, as she does with her business. Billie is a madam, of sorts, and has been running a secretive "escort" service around Crescent Heights for about 4 years. Many of the town's most notable names can be found in her Pink Planner: Jett Cain , a night club owner, Chase Underwould, a big time stage performer, even Sabrine Underwood manages to get a call on her "free day" from Sunnyhill. What may be even more surprising is her list of employees. Starr Buckston, for one, initiated the business with Billie. The two of them decided that there wasn't enough trash in Crescent Heights, and it was their job to add to the pleasure heap. It was also rumored that the two were having an affair; one rumor which Starr didn't start.
A call girl service. Forever providing a client with their ideal date. But there was never an ideal date for Billie. She was always the provider, never the receiver. She was looking for a man OR a woman who would listen. One who would care how her day went. She wanted someone to pay the bills for her and keep all the girls in line. She wanted an amorous assistant.