Ridley Scott's Blade Runner is crucial to my hypertext in that the emphasis on the blurring between cyborg and human is woven throughout the entire film (especially the director's cut, in which Deckard's identity is ambiguous).
This blurring is most apparent because of Nexus' ability to implant artificial memories in the Replicants. Memories of childhood, of parents, of growing older. They are false memories, but have the same effect as genuine ones: they establish a past, a history, for the Replicant. Furthermore, these memories are not simply created, but rather, taken from someone else: one of Rachel's most distinct memories is that of killing a spider as a child, but this memory actually belongs to Tyrell's daughter.
If we, as human beings, are the sum of our experiences, what happens when those experiences can be altered, added, and/or removed? Perhaps equally important, what happens when our memory no longer remains unique to the individual, when memories can be traded, bought and sold, like any other commodity? When individuals can share identical memories, thus sharing, to some extent, a similar consciousness?
Scott doesn't emphasize such questions in Blade Runner, but he is one of the first science fiction/cyberpunk artists to introduce them.