The Storyspace version of the In Memoriam Web. Readers can make their way through this body of interlinked documents in a number of ways. One can proceed by following links from principal overviews, such as that for the entire web (at left), religion in England (lower right), or individual motifs -- in this case that for time (middle right). One can also explore the folder-like structure of the Storyspace View (upper right), which can contain a dozen or more layers, or one can follow links from individual sections of the poem. This screen shot indicates how multi-window hypertext systems, such as Storyspace, Intermedia, and Microcosm, that enable authors to fix the location of windows thereby permit one to arrange the screen in ways that help orient the reader. In this case readers can easily move between parts of the poem and commentary upon it.
Last modified 28 January 2005