Herbs are probably the most controversial nootropics due to the fact
that they have little scientific backup for their claimed effects. Although
people in the medical profession may not deny the power of herbs altogether,
they usually will not recommend them unless the active ingredient in the
herb is known along with its effects. Ironically enough, the hectic lifestyle
of the modern day person does not leave much time, or provide a suitable environment,
to pick herbs, so the western prejudice that herbs can have no viable medical
applications never gets the chance to be validated and / or revised. For those
unable to spare the time to search for herbs but still willing to experiment
with their effects, two varieties of preserved herb essences remain, in the form of
freeze-dried and alcohol based extracts. These two preserving methods allegedly retain the desired effects of the herbs for relatively long periods. Here's a sampling
of some of the most well known brain boosting herbs:
Herbs seem to be of obscure functionality at best and inherently dangerous
at worst. After all, who is to say that what you're gleefully chewing on
is a gotu-kola leaf rather than a similar-looking herb which may well wreak havoc
with your immune system?
Should one prefer the wisdom of western medicine, with its conscientious
application of the scientific method which ensures that risks are minimized
as much as is theoretically possible?
Or should one rather go for smart nutrients, following an Aristotelian deduction from
ancient wisdom, asserting
that since one would not bite the hands that feeds him, the hand that feeds
him would also refrain from attempting to bite him?
The above is admittedly a very convoluted application of an inverse statement
that abuses deductive reasoning to its innermost core. However, it's difficult
to find the concept of nourishment dangerous. It may well have to do with
the fact that nourishment forms the basis of a baby's first emotional bond,
that of feeding on mother's milk. Therefore food becomes an inherently valuable,
possibly sacred, concept. However, that would have to wait until another