For Derrida, there should no longer be a center of a text. In attempt to get the reader to read in between the gaps, to read critically rather than blindly, to break out the reading patterns that the reader has become so accustomed to following without question. By playing with speech and allusion, he reconcieves the notion of the inside vs. the outside. What is thought of as the main body of a text is shown to be of little more importance than the footnote at the bottom at the page shedding light on the historical background, or of the endnote describing the work where an allusion is made from. But this Derridan idea can only be taken so far by the writen text. His theories can be taken even one step further by the hypertext medium. For there is not an essential inside or outside in the hypertext work. There is no more importance placed on these theoretical musings than the actual story of Brian Bassett or my thoughts, or even your thoughts because you are the one who constructed your own unique reading of the story.

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