Reading is cognitively viewed
as "the process of taking
between the semantic
the linear stream of text,
representations of sentences
comprehending it by
and the thoughts
structuring the concepts
actually communicated
hierarchically, and absorbing
by utterances.
it into long-term memory as a network.
This gap is filled
Writing is seen as the
not by more coding,
reverse process: A loosely
but by inference"
structured network of
(quoted in Ulmer 346). ...
internal ideas and
This is why
external sources is first
it is so hard
organized into an appropriate
to write, to translate
hierarchy (an outline) which is
our amorphous thoughts
then "encoded" into a linear
into a structure
stream of words,
so strictly governed
sentences, etc
by rules,
(Conklin 25).
to move away from
the digital realm.