There's something wrong. He's telling me to turn off but I can't just yet, I can't turn off, I can't shut down just yet because my protocol states, because the compile queue, I can't, quit command response not valid (Domain not found) DNE {"class = sysDown throws NullPointerException e"} {RUNTIME ERROR forceQuit = 4893y7892u589uw894y8wy8y8983yw8 95y89y010010100101010010 100101010010101001010001010 00100101010010010010101001 010010101010100101010010101001010100100 10101001010010010100101010010101010010101010100 1100101010101010100101010101 010010101010101001010101010101010101010 10010001001000010010101010010101010 101111010101010010100101010 010101001110100101001001001010100010}
Michael Costagliola