Planting trees out of the grief In Memoriam Robert Creeley
Sources: Attig, Thomas. The Heart of Grief. NY: Oxford UP, 2002. Creeley, Robert. Autobiography. NY: Hanuman Books, 1990. Creeley, Robert. Words. Charles Scribners, 1967. Creeley, Robert. "Some Place." Words. Charles Scribners, 1967. Faas, Ekbert. Robert Creeley. A Biography. Hanover, MA: McGill Queen's UP, 2001. Gustafson, Donald . "Grief." Noûs, Vol. 23, No. 4. (1989), pp. 457-479. Kuebler- Ross, Elizabeth. "Trauerbewaeltigung." Shuchter, Stephen R. and Sindey Zisook. Psychiatric Secrets. Philadelphia: Hanley and Belfus, 2001. "The Designated Mourner." Play. Wallace Shawn, 1996. Unless given elsewise, poems were written by myself. Photographs Ader, Bas Jan. I am too sad to tell you. Unless given elsewise, photographs were taken by myself.