Cyberspace, Virtuality Reality, and Critical Theory: Political Contexts and Implications
Conceptualizing the Internet -- The Commons and the Net as Public Resource
Intellectual Property Law and the Net
Francesca Wodtke,
Cities of This World and Beyond...
Ingrid Hoofd's
Cyborg Manifesto 2.0: Discussions in feminist figurations, new technologies and social change
Steve Cook's
Alamut: The Eagle's Nest, As Fortress Impenetrable
Obscenity and the Internet
Robins and Webster, "
Cybernetic Capitalism
Power at the Margins: The Convergence of IR, Gender, and Hypertext
Surveillance in Mitchell's
City of Bits
EPIC: Electronic Privacy Information Center
David Lyon, "
From Big Brother to the Electronic Panopticon
William Bogard's
The Simulation of Surveillance: Hypercontrol in Telematic Societies
Websites of the United States Government Intelligence Community
Central Intelligence Agency
National Imagery and Mapping Agency
National Reconaissance Office
National Security Agency
Alan Wexelblat,
"How is the NII Like a Prison?"