Commentary on Stephenson's Snow Crash
Members of English 65, The Cyborg Self (Spring 2005), and English 111, Cyberspace, VR, and Critical Theory (Spring 1998), Brown University
Style and Genre
- Katherine Sibley Angus, When Dime-Store Fiction Meets the Future
- Joshua Conterio, Snow Crash: Second-Generation Cyberpunk
- Caleb Neelon, John Elway is Ugly and Stupid, but the Super Bowl Commercials are Great
- Karen Kayfetz, Snow Crash Rules
Plot and Narrative Structure
- John Crews, Noise in Snow Crash -- Another take on Digression
- Steve Cook, Authorial Digression in Snow Crash
- Zachariah Boyle, The Street: The Future of AOL?
- Sharif Corinaldi, Looking at our future with Stephenson
- Laura Lee, Snowcrash's Ethnic Los Angeles
- Francesca Wodtke, The Architecture of Cyberspace
- Dan Parke, Life on the Street
- Daniel Byers, That Damned Old Third Dimension
- Daniel Byers, Advertising Inferno
- Adam Mazer, An Unsettlingly Familiar Place
- Matt Pillsbury, Badasses of the Future
- Lora Schwartz, The Heroes and The Masses
- Greg Halenda, Greater Things: Hiro as Cyborg
- Adam Mazer, A Bad Mutha -- Shut Yo' Mouth
Theme and Subject
- Jacob George, Stephenson's Mafia
- Kelly Maudslien, Magic and Power
- Matthew Hutson, Are Avatars More Real than People?
- William Peña, Capitalism: The Great Cyber-[Un]Equalizer?
- Elizabeth Rodwell, Conspiracy Afoot, or Snow Crash Ate MY Hard Drive
- Glen Sanford, Stephenson's Avatar: Mitchell's e-mail address?
- Izel Sulam, It's Not What You Have, It's How You Use It
- Ruiyan Xu, Representing Beauty
- Daniel Byers, A Chat Room on Steroids is Still a Chat Room; or, Where the information age went wrong
- Greg Halenda, Rat Things
- Adam Mazer, Born Jacked In
Gender Matters
- Ian Jones, Cyber Sex, Straight Sex?
Literary Relations
- Brian D. Hardy, Stephenson, Gibson, and U2
- Wayne Huang, Just one word ... Information
- Michael Pellauer, Agents: The keys to the Information Age? (Stevenson and Gibson)
- Dan Stein, Escape From Reality? (Stevenson, Gibson, Baudrillard)
Student Projects Relating to Snow Crash
- Jacob George, Snow Crash Choose Your Own Adventure
Last modified 14 April 2005