The natural social model for ontological anarchism is the child-gang or the bank-robbers-band. Money is a lie--this adventure must be feasible without it--booty & pillage should be spent before it turns back into dust. signing the articles Bey's use of pirates--"Pirate Utopias"--as one of the central motifs of TAZ is, if nothing else, picturesque. Pirate culture seems closely related to TAZ culture though; simply by "signing the articles," pirates could join a crew and participate in (for the 17th century) a surprisingly democratic venture. Consider the following articles: 1. Every man has a vote in affairs of moment; has equal title to fresh provisions or strong liquors at any time seized and use them at pleasure unless scarcity makes it necessary for good of all to vote a retrenchment. (from 'Wild Women and Salty Dogs') Given the limited opportunities that were available to most of the social class who became pirates (Anne Bonney, a child of a wealthy plantation owner, is a notable exception), then the chance at fortune, however slim, must have been gladly taken by many. buccaneers Although today the term "buccaneer" has become synonymous with "pirate," the buccaneers were different. When Spain began colonizing the Carribean, they let loose wild pigs on the islands, so that marooned sailors wouldn't starve to death. A person could make a life for himself (generally not herself) living off the descendants of these pigs, roasted over the fire from the buccan tree. A pirate utopia indeed--work sublimated to a state of play, a return to a nomadic hunter-gatherer existance. Bonney and Read Gender roles were apparently mutable for the pirates as well; the celebrated case of Anne Bonney and Mary Read, where two pirates--each a woman disguised as a man--met and became friends (or lovers, depending on how the story is recounted) may be an anomaly, but the sailors aboard the pirate ship Revenge apparently had no problems with the presence of Bonney and Read among them. Whether this is because Bonney's lover was the captain ("Calico Jack"--if nothing else, pirates had good nicknames) or because they judged Bonney by her apparently formidable fighting skills is unclear. Bey mentiones "'Calico Jack' Rackham and his crew of pirate women [moving] on to wilder shores" when the British fleet arrived in Nassau, ending that "beachfront resort of shacks and tents devoted to wine, women (and probably boys too, to judge by Birge's Sodomy and Piracy), song (the pirates were inordinately fond of music and used to hire on bands for entire cruises), and wretched excess..." |