This is not an original work!
At least, that's what most readers might say. The Spider's Lullaby is based on a concept rock-opera by King Diamond, from the album of the same name. Lyrics were taken straight out of songs and dropped into the mixer: an experiment in remediation of sorts.
The intention of this work is left to the reader to discover; whether or not in keeping with my original purpose is irrelevant. (The FAQ section should help.) Most importantly, enjoy the ride, even if you don't get anything earthshaking from it, at least we'll all have had a blast!
A note on the side:
Many references are made to various artists, musicians (especially King Diamond) etc. If you recognize them, hello comrade! If you don't, it doesn't spoil anything!
Need to know more?
by Alvin Wee
CCST02, Telling Stories in Cyberspace
The National University Of Singapore