Jacques Derrida and Deconstruction
[This page derives from one created by Chris Allert, who in turn incorporated materials from A. Liu's Voice of the Shuttle Philosophy Page].
- Jacques Derrida at UCI
- A discussion of Jacques Derrida and Deconstruction
- Belal E. Baaquie, Dialectics in Brief
- David Javier, Alive, Alone
- Writing in Reserve: Deconstruction on the Net (Derrida page)
- Jacques Derrida,
"Architecture New York" (Summary of Impromptu Remarks)
- Applied Derrida (interview with Derrida)
- Letter to a Japanese Friend
- Jewish Mystic? (part of an interview with Derrida)
- Bibliography of Derrida Bibliographies
- Jacques Derrida (selective bibliography) (UC Irvine Critical Theory Resource/Eddie
Yeghiayan, U. Calif. Irvine)
- Kip Canfield (U. Maryland),
"The Microstructure of Logocentrism: Sign Models in Derrida and Smolensky"
- Glen Scot Allen (Towson State U.),
"Baptismal Eulogies: Reconstructing Deconstruction from the Ashes" (1993)
- "The Deconstruction of
Actuality" (Aug. 1993 interview with Jacques Derrida)
- Steven Helmling (U. Delaware),
"Historicizing Derrida" (1994)
- Free Association Gallery ("These are 'little' texts collected by way of the Derrida
mailing list") (Kevin Sawad Brooks)
- Site of Convergence: Autobiography & Post-Structuralism (Amy Freed & Robert
Brown, Virginia Polytechnic)
- Carrie Watterson, The Veiling of Homoerotic Desire in Roland Barthes' S/Z ("Plato's Pharmacy" from Dissemination)