c y b o r g m a n i f e s t o 2 . 0
:: p r o j e c t s
:: h e l p b 9 2
HelpB92 emerged ad-hoc out of a number of partial alliances at the very moment the war broke out in Yugoslavia in 1999. Participants and initiators came from a variety of activist backgrounds but all felt some affinity to the politicised desire of providing alternative viewpoints against the military propaganda from both the Yugoslavian and United States governments. I co-initiated HelpB92 both for assisting radio B92 in their alternative journalism, but also felt it was necessary to get different viewpoints into the Dutch news which was heavily American biased. The HelpB92 Support group was an essential lifeline for radio B92 in Belgrade and other independent media in Yugoslavia, all of whom are struggling to defend free speech and maintain their news services in a dramatic and extrememely difficult environment. To help these journalists maintain links to provide fast and instantaneous distribution of their news and information, the Support Group provides from Amsterdam round-the-clock Internet and RealAudio support, thus taking the idea of hospitality very serious. HelpB92 proofed to be a effective parasiting web on the highly militarised and capitalised Internet and satellite network. |
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