This (therefore) will not have been a web. Still less, despite appearances, will it have been a collection of lexias devoted to my flighty idea of "contextless resonance."
Okay, see, that preceding bit was modeled after the opening to "Outwork" in Jacques Derrida's collection of essays, Dissemination. I can't claim credit for it, but if I had not explained the Derrida connection to you, only a very few people would have recognized it. Of course, if I hadn't explained it, those few who recognized it might be tempted to label me a plagiarist, which is as ugly a word as what it signifies.
A famous philosopher named Croce once said, "Intuition is expression." An idea is only as good as its stated expression. Trust me, I had a brilliant idea here. I might not have expressed it so well though, in which case, tough luck for me. But anyway.
Why is this web called "Alive Alone?" It is the title of a song I like very much, by the very trendy Chemical Brothers. It also reflects the essential nature of the theory I put forward here.
Perhaps you should read my preface.