Virtual Reality worlds become for the user as transparent as the physical world, and as convincing. After a period of adjustment, the user comes to recognize this new reality as a reality proper, with it's own laws, possibilities and limitations. Experience dictates essence, and the experience of navigating this world negates the doubts that linger about its veridicality.
Because of this sense of invented worlds being real, the creators of these worlds come to perceive themselves as the Creator; in other words, to give birth to a reality is to come closer to divine status. The idea of creating a new world isn't new by any means, as any novelist would argue, but their is a qualitative difference between creating a new conceptual world, as in text, and a new immersive world. First, the reader/user is the main character when it comes to VR, and all other characters are supporting and enhancing his yet-unwritten story. Second, the user in VR is given free reign over this world to explore and interact. Third, there is no necessary order or time that is applied to VR, so a user can just amble among this world and just concentrate on one flower, rather than read the progression of others' stories.
What salient characteristics of a world, a reality, an experience, are left that can't be encompassed in VR? If none, then the next question would be, what stops us from truly qualifying the creators of VRs as demi-gods for the inhabitants of their worlds?