George P. Landow
"Ulysses to Penelope: Victorian Experiments in Autobiography. " Elizabeth K. Helsinger
"Where was Rousseau?" Phyllis Grosskurth
"Credence and Credibility: The Concern for Honesty in Victorian Autobiography." Howard Helsinger
"The Invention of Childhood in Victorian Autobiography." LuAnn Walther
"The Structure of Ruskin's Praeterita." Elizabeth K. Helsinger
"Ruskin's Praeterita as Thanatography." Claudette Kemper Columbus
"A Grammatology of Assent: Cardinal Newman's Apologia Pro Vita Sua." Michael Ryan
"Audience and the Autobiographer's Art: An Approach to the Autobiography of Mrs. Oliphant." Linda H. Peterson.
"Elizabeth Missing Sewell: Conclealment and Revelation in a Victorian Everywoman." Sarah C. Frerichs
"The Antomonial Structure of John Butler Yeats's Early Memories: Some Chapters of Autobiography." George Bornstein
"Personal Myth: Three Victorian Autobiographers." Avrom Fleishman
"Biblical Typology and the Self-Portrait of the Poet in Robert Browning." Linda H. Peterson
"Autobiography into Autobiography: The Evolution of David Copperfield." Robert L. Patten
"Travel as Anti--Autobiography: William Morris'Icelandic Journals." Frederick Kirchhoff
"The Story of the Stories: Henry James's Prefaces as Autobiography." Mutlu Konuk Blasing
"The Allegory of Life: The Autobiographical Impulse in Victorian Prose." David J. DeLaura