I no longer remember, after all these years, where I came upon the readymade cars that became the basis of this bit of AP&G rolling stock and its companion freight car. Using them as the basis of an inexpensive detailing project that soon developed into a very different model, I laminated planking to the roof, added grab irons, a brake wheels, link-and-pin couplers, and even those fragile brake hoses. Since I had not acquired Bill Newkirk's wonderful logo for the AP&G, I used old-time Lettraset rub-on letters, after which I weathered the truss-rodded short cars.
Both freight cars appeared in my February 1979 photo-article in Railroad Modeler — "Make Mine an Old Timer." A color photograph of the livestock car following a four-wheel ore car being pulled by the AP&G's 0-4-0 appeared in my 1978 photo-article "Details Make a Difference." [side view of car].