The Hi-Line Suburban Station at South Albion . After coming upon Ernest Cerny's wooden suburban station in an old issue of Model Railroader, I realized what I could do with the leftover station shed roof, base, and pillars of the passenger shelters for the large Pawtuxet Central Station. Since I had an bit of track paralleling the background, such a station seemed a perfect way to create a point of interest for that spot, and once I began by creating the rectangular ticket office and waiting room, I added a chimney and Victorian-style decorative plastic edging I had found in England two decades ago. As the station took form, I decided to use various Central Vallery plastic steps and railing plus some scrap styrene to add a Malcolm Furlow-style set of eccentriic spindly steps and walkways. Finally, I added a sceneic overlook supported by the column from a British watertank kit. I like the way it canme out. [GPL].