The Side Track Tap (named after the bar in Garrison Keilor's Prairie Home Companion) sits conveniently next to Ruth's Palace of Pleasure. the ever-popular Bar Mills kit my wife Ruth gave me as a 69th-birthday present. I painted most of the Preiser figures, though the seated couple came painted , and I purchased the wonderful waiter while on a lecturing trip in Bavaria.
The signs on buildings are a combination of those created on my trusty MacBook Pro laptop using either Photoshop or Gimp and thosed created from Clover House's wonderful selection of rub-on lettering. Behind the saloon across the tracks one sees a flat of a burn-out building that was an pretty-much failed experiment at creating a latext rubber mould from a Magnuson building front and making a cast using Bragdon's resin. Next to it sit two buildings — a twin-peaked flat created out of parts from a incorrectly packaged RDA kit; when they failed to make good and send the missing parts after several exchanges of e-mail, I gave up and kitbashed this. The large flat directly behind Ruth's Palace of Pleasure comes from the Walther's Warehouse, which, after I had assembled it, appeared much too large for my layout, so I cut it apart and made three flats from it. I know the source of the signage for Thomas Davis grocery supplies — Clover House — but don't recall that for the building. I suspect it comes from DPM modular parts. The printed paper flat comes a set purchased in the UK three decades ago. [GPL].