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Misquamicutt Textile Machinery Co.

The Third Version of Misquamicutt Textile Machinery Co. The third and probably final version came about after I purchased a three-part factory from Railway Design Associates and placed it in front of the original structure, which is connected to the right-hand building by a passageway. Here one sees two of the three buildings that came with the kit, but since the third one, a modern concrete warehouse, didn't fit with my nineteenth-century railroad, I decided I couldn't use it. I then began to play around with it and ended up turning it into the R. I. Dye Works, which appears at the background at right in front of the P.J. Macktez Mill. I scratchbuilt the new wooden loading dock, and if I can fit a railroad siding next to it, I'd like to build a wooden travelling crane, such George Selios created for his brilliant plumbing supply model of many years back. The beautiful details, such as the shelves, oil drums, and sacks, are resin casting that came unpainted from Sierra West Scale Models. [GPL].

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