The Galilee Oyster Cannery with the main harbor in the background. Click on image to enlarge it.
The cannery, which I built from a BTS kit of a pulp mill, sits next to a dock under repair that began as another BTS kit to which I've added a scratchbuilt side dock a shipping office constructed from scraps left over from the cannery kit. The What Cheer Tavern modeled after a bar with that name near Providence-Cranston, Rhode Island. (One finds buildings named “What Cheer” around Rhode Island because its founder, Roger Williamns, is supposed to have said, “What Cheer, Netop’ upon encountering a member of the Narraganset tribe. “What Cheer,” in other words, means “How’s it going?’). The sign for the tavern was found online, captured, sized, printed on paper, and glued on to the building.
Between the cannery and the tavern one catches sight of Isaac Walton Fish Brokers, a scratchbuilt structure constructed of cardboard, one-eighth inch plywood, and two kinds of shingles from Rusty Stumps. At the right the barn-red Narragansett Brewery, another scratchbuilt building, can be seen.
In the background one sees the old HO scale harbor from an earlier version of the AP&G, which Justin Maguire moved into a corner, to which has been added a Customs House based on a Walthers bank and the same company’s warehouse, to which I added a crane and open doors with internal scenes. A Campbell dock, detailed 4-4-0 General, and an arriving ferry remain from the original scene.

The view from the HO harbor. Note: there's some cheating here: I used GIMP (a free graphics software) to add blue sky, so one doesn't see the ceiling and lights in the original photo. However, you can still see the unfinished benchwork across the aisle.