Oil Car sitting alongside the engine Glanville Lumber Company engine house at the logging camp situated between Pawtuxet and Galilee. After I saw that B.T.S. sold a kit for such a but of rolling stock for their McCabe Lumber Company set of structures and cars, I decided I wanted one for my logging railroad, but it was available only in HO I created one in what must be the easiest kitbshing job ever: The tenders of my two Bachmann 2-4-0 locomotives each came with an oil tank, which could one could use either in place of coal or lumber. Since one 2-4-0 burns coal and the other wood, I had two oil tanks sitting on a shelf, so after sanding off the filler pipe on one I glued them to one another, after which I glued them to a Bachmann flatcar. Whereas the B.T.S. version places the holder for the oil barrels so that their ends parallel the sides of the car, my version rotates them 90 degrees because the flatcar was too short. I created the oil barrel rack from several pieces of scrap 1/16" styrene, glued it in place, added a ladder and painted it with a rattle can from Blick Art Supply. [Click on images to enlarge them.]

Log cars and crew cabins at the logging camp. The green crew quarters at left is constructed from 1/8 Baltic ply scored vertically while the one at the right on the flatcar is constructed from styrene. The logging car at right began life as the base of a scatchbuilt HO tank car. I removed the tank, painted it primer red, and changed the trucks to turn it into a logging flat car.