A Message From Cyan
You are about to be drawn into an amazing alternative reality. The entire
game was designed from the ground up to draw you in with little or no extraneous
distractions on the screen to interfere with the feeling of being there.
Myst in not linear, it's not flat, it's not shallow.
This is the most depth, detail and reality you've ever experienced in a
Myst is real. And like real life, you don't die every five minutes. In fact
you probably won't die at all. There are no dead-ends, you may hit a wall,
but there is always a way over or around. Pay attention to detail and collect
information, because those are the pieces of the puzzle that you'll use
to uncover the secrets of Myst. The puzzles you encounter will be solved
with logic and information -- information garnered either from Myst or from
life itself. The key to Myst is to lose yourself in this fantastic virtual
exploration, and act and react as if you were really there.