Introduction to Hypertext Notes
The majority of the Hypertext Notes pages are, in one way or another, responses
to Nell's Lost in a Book, but there are also a number of pages devoted to
discussions of Broderbund's Myst, Michael Joyce's Afternoon, a story (coming
soon), and Stuart Moulthrop's Victory Garden (also coming soon). And of
course there are a number of pages that don't fit anywhere particular.
Direct Responses to Nell's Lost in a Book
Trance Potential
Difficulty Reading
Absorption & Entrancement
Reading & Sleep
The Future of Hypetext
Problems Inherent to Hypertext
Good Hypertext
A Definition of Trash
A Not-So-Good Definition of Literature
Literature vs. Trash
Hypertext Literature
Multimedia: The Word
Hypertext & The Merging of Different Entertainment
Hypertext vs. The Novel
Hypertext Vs. Film
Dreams, Reading, VR
Twin Peaks & Hypermedia (A Response to Ulmer)
Calvino & Reader Participation
My Web
Myst & Hypermedia