The Point
The point being, there is both a place for literature and a place for trash
in the future of the computer-based novel, or whatever you want to call
it. And what I'm striving for here, what I'm most interested in, is something
that bridges these two genres, if I may label them as such. I would have
to say that Myst accomplishes this feat. Now something like Joyce's Afternoon...,
no. That's literature.

Take your pick...
So what's my point? Well, the purpose of this web (if I can come right out
and say it) is to determine whether the novel is on its deathbed just yet.
And what I'm trying to say is that we'll be able to make the funeral plans
only when hypertext fiction offers the larger reading audience something
different, something better, than...say, The Client. Because until that
happens, the novel will keep kicking its way along.
So I'm sorry for that enormous digression. Back to the