Hypertext is Hard... Why?
I don't have the abilities. My knowledge of hypertext authoring programs
is (currently, but hear me now, not for long) limited to a rather simple
programming tool that cannot do everything I want it to do.
This is a problem with hypertext. You need skills, real computer skills.
Collaboration is key. Successful hypertext, unlike the successful novel,
is dependent upon a diversity of skills. These skills include programming
knowledge, a talent for writing and designing, musical talent, and so forth.
The creation of the successful hypertext is more akin to film production
than anything else.
This is another problem. You like to work alone? You'll learn to collaborate.
Time is of the essence. Of course, anything worth doing takes times, especially
when it comes to creative endeavors. But hypertext is something else completely.
You will be staring vacantly into your computer screen and suddenly realize
that you haven't eaten anything in several days, haven't seen another living
creature since the computer crashed and you went sprinting away from the
machine to avoid destroying valuable equipment.
This is not necessarily a problem. You like what you do, you'll forget about
your innate need for genuine human contact.