Garbage Dump
All right, so you're interested in trash. Let's start with a piece of trash
you've probably heard of. John Grisham. Take any novel... well... except
A Time to Die, that may or may not have some literary merit. Why
are his novels trash? (Trash isn't necessarily a bad thing, but we have
to make the distinction)
They're trash because they're essentially screenplays in novel form. No
imagery, no attention to language and its subtleties, no profound character
development. In fact, characters in such novels are generally meant to be
stereotypical... then they're easier to picture, yes? Easier to picture
means easier to read, and easier to read means easier to swallow up the
plot. And be done with it. These plot-dominated prizes are chips and dip
for the brain.
Unlike, say, Faulkner's As I Lay Dying...