Talking Books
The creators of Myst play with this notion of the traditional text -- the
book -- with the video book. That is, in the same room that the player finds
the bookshelf of valuable information, s/he also finds two books, that,
upon opening, reveal miniature video screens.
Within each video screen, the face of an imprisoned brother pleads with
you to help him escape his captivity. Each brother slanders the other, telling
you only to help himself, and not the brother.
As the game progresses, the player finds that both brothers become less
and less trustworthy, and the dilemma integral
to the reader-created narrative arises: "Which brother am I supposed
to help?"
In this way, the authors of Myst further this sense of distrust and suspicion
in the technologically newer media. It is only through notes, diary entries,
and a physical interaction with the father of the sons that the truth is