Dark and Fallen Angels
The Ambiguously Human
Policing Memory and Identity
Simulated Consciousness, Human Identity, Anime, and
Blade Runner
Human Identity
Sympathy For the Cyborg
Flesh Machines and Memories
The Nature of Humanity
The Limitations of Simulacra
Verius deus quam machina?
Can I match my eyes to match my dress?
Hacked and Modified Brains
Blade Runner and Critical Theory
Realizing Theory
(Baudrillard and Haraway)
the City: "Classic urban dystopic flick"
Cityscapes in Anime and
Blade Runner
Symbol, Image, Motif
The Immune System and
Blade Runner
Shape in Cyberpunk Film and TV
Light in Cyberpunk Film and TV
Neon Origami
Representiung Cyborg's in Film
Compared to Anime and Other Films
Representing Cyborg's in Film
Bubble Gum Crisis
Blade Runner
Ghost in the Shell
Related Websites
Deleted hospital scene
2019: Off-World
Blade Runner
archive at Stanford)
Photos and more
(Scripts, production designs, screen tests, and material that didn't make it into the movie)
The Architecture of
Blade Runner
Last modified 2 April 2005