- Cyborg 2087 (USA, 1966)
- Westworld (USA, 1973)
- Blade Runner (USA, 1982)
- Tron (USA, 1982)
- Videodrome (USA, 1983)
- Terminator series (USA, 1984; Judgment Day, 1991; Rise of the Machines, 2003
- Robocop (USA, 1987, 2: 1990, 3: 1993)
- FullMetal Yakuza (Japan, 1997)
- The Matrix Trilogy (USA, The Matrix, 1999; The Matrix Relaoded 2003, Matrix Revolutions, 2003
- eXistenZ (Canada, UK, France, 1999)
- Avalon (Poland, Japan, 2000)
- X-Men (USA, 2000 [Wolverine])
Cinema (more dystopias than cyberpunk)
- Brazil (USA, 1985)
- Dark City (USA, 1998)
- Gattica (USA, 1997)
- The Island (USA, 2005)
- 1984 (USA, versions in 1954, 1956, 1984)
- The Truman Show (USA, 1998)
- Total Recall (USA, 1990)
Related Genres
Comparisons and Other Discussions
Last modified 22 October 2006