The Cyborg Manifesto states "cyborg is a matter of fiction and lived experience that changes what counts as women's experience in the late twentieth century. This is a struggle over life and death, but the boundary between science fiction and social reality is an optical illusion."(pg 149) What one thinks of as fiction can be seen as fact when looking for the source. Haraway believes that people are cyborgs. From medicine to war to even schooling,for example, Haraway considers science fiction and postmodernism to be simulation. Many schools discuss this simulation. More and more simulacra has penetrated learning. For instance, there are cameras in school buildings spying on unexpecting juveniles. In addition, heavier focus on digital use in the school with televisions and computer as well as the automotive industry shifting workers because of the higher robotic technology. Robots are replacing what humans used to do on the assembly line. If one shifts to genetic engineering, this simulation has slowly been replacing sex. Biology classes have been telling girls that they might be boys if they have an x and y chromosome. Lack of testosterone results in loss of those male features. Haraway believes living as a cyborg is better than being a goddess. With as much idealism as there has been to effect such a word, one could not blame her in the slightest.
Last modified 30 December 2006