How Critical Thinking encouraged in
Hypertext (1)?
When a novice reader reads a book, such as Paradise Lost, they are not able to immediately see all the relations that a Milton scholar might. In a hypertext form of the book, however, the scholar could explicitly include those relationships in the form of hypertext links, which the reader could then follow. This would allow the student to place Paradise Lost within a much larger system in which all texts are interrelated. This capability of making connection between texts that would at first seem unrelated enables a stronger form of analysis to emerge. The stronger analysis helps students to look at texts from different directions and in different ways. Thus making the readers more critical thinker. [Resource A] Besides, hypertext also encourages critical thinking by forcing the reader to make choices. This active interaction between reader and text causes the reader to think more deeply about the text, which leads to better comprehension and to a more critical perspective. This critical perspective is necessary if readers are begin to create effective hypertext to their own. Hypertext encourages critical thinking and problem solving by allowing students to learn through discovery. When reading through a hypertext in a self discovery manner, students seek their own routes through the text without the guidance of the author or the linear structure of a book. This self guided searching helps students learn the skills necessary for problem solving and critical thinking because they must seek answers to their own questions without being given ready made solutions.
Landow., George P., "Hypertext 2.0 The Convergence of Contemporary Critical THeory and Techonlogy"
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