linked to the contested memory of King Philip’s War in
Events of
significance, especially those relating to Indian Policy, provide
framework for investigating Metacom’s historical legacy. At times, Philip was
portrayed as an evil
warlord who advocated vicious attacks on innocent colonists. Other depictions show a
noble chief fighting
to his tragic death against the inevitable march of progress across
[1] Bristol (R.I. : Town), Independence Day: How the Day Is Celebrated in Bristol, Rhode Island (Bristol: s.n, 1972) The earliest accounts of the celebration in the Bristol Gazette and Companion from 1835 and 1836 are conflicted. One places the first year of celebration at 1790, while the following year 1785 is given as the date.
[2] Ibid.
[3] William Palmer Hopkins, The Seventh Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers in the Civil War, 1862-1865 (Providence, R. I: Snow & Farnham, Printers, 1903), 325. The organization was formed in the decades before the Civil War, and served as the main brigade into the 20th Century.
[4] Bristol (R.I. : Town), Independence Day.