In the chatrooms, everyone is in their
own secret world. Users can easily engage in cybersex with multiple partners
simultaneously, switching between the conversations with ease, playing
different personalities - different roles - in each, and letting each think
that they are the only one. Ha ha! I fooled you - I'm really doing this
with three other people! Ha ha! I fooled you - I'm really an old, fat man
in Toledo, not a young sweaty goddess from Barbados! Ha ha! I fooled you
- I'm really at work and am not turned on at all by the words that you
are typing! It is this sense of power, of playing a private joke, that
is an is part of the addictiveness of cybersex, and of chatrooms
in general.
Of course, the real joke is the fact that no one wants to acknowledge
that we're all trying to fool each other.

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