I subtitled this site "A Study of Real World Technophilia" for a reason: to emphasize the fact that not all technophilia manifests itself in such blatant ways. In fact, it could be argued that cybersex is not a form of technophilia at all, that the sexual focus is on the person or people instead of the machine itself. Still, I include it here because of some of its implications for computer culture, both present and future, and because of the popular association.
Theorist Jean Baudrillard would comment that that cybersex is a simulation of the third order: the words and imagery of sexuality masking the absense of any intimate sexual contact whatsoever. Everything about the experience is simulated. The nicknames people give themselves, such as Redneck275 can be chosen not because of any grounding in reality, but because they are signifiers for a personality the person wants to adobt. 19Sarah19, for example, might be a fifty year-old male who simply enjoys playing the part of a young female. (I've always been suspicious of the seeming proliferation of females in chatrooms.) The personalities can be donned and shed like clothes in the landscape of the chatroom, for they too seem to be empty simulacra, being completely removed from anything in the real world.