LEE is in a library, pondering over some information that was given to her by her contact, LADYWOLF, whose cover is that of a mild-mannered librarian working in the library that she is in now. She and LADYWOLF are whispering to each other as they hunch over the papers on a table in the corner of the library.
It seems that Foucault has some interesting ideas on what one should consider as an author's works, and who should be attributed as the author of a work.
Right. And what would those be?
It has something to do with the idea of what an author's work is, and the idea of writing. If you take the definition of the works of an author as everything that he wrote or said, then wouldn't you have to include the little notes he makes in his notebook, his "work"? And how should we decide who is the author of something? If you quote the words of someone else in your paper, who is the author of those words? You wrote them down yourself, sure, but had it not been for that someone, would those words exist as an idea? Would you have thought to have included them in your paper? And here's a thought while youčre thinking: why do you include someone's theories in your paper? Some people do that because of the person whose ideas they included, some people don't even know who exactly is the person from whom they have taken those ideas from.
LEE was still thinking about these questions even as she was on the journey back to THE AGENCY'S HQ.